

真正害動物生病死亡腎衰竭的其實不是受污染的wheat gluten,

I'm so tired and sick of this kind of information。

April 2, 2007; 10 a.m.: PETA Calls on FDA Head to Resign

PETA President Ingrid Newkirk has called for the commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to step down from his post after revelations that the FDA refused to name the maker of a dry pet food believed to have received the suspected contaminated ingredient. Now, two independent laboratories are claiming that the FDA was wrong when it determined that the agent causing kidney failure in cats and dogs was wheat gluten contaminated with a chemical called melamine found in plastic.

FDA and Food Manufacturers Fail at Every Level

April 3, 2007: Damning News From Menu Foods; FDA May Be Wrong About Cause of Pet Deaths 

Yesterday, the dean of the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine confirmed that Menu Foods had contacted the college in early March, when cats in Menu labs stopped eating their food. Almost a full week later, the company sent tissue and urine samples from sick animals to Cornell, acknowledging that the food was toxic. Nearly two more weeks passed before Menu issued a recall.
menu food曾經因為實驗室裡的貓咪不肯吃飯而聯絡他們,
一個禮拜以後,menu food寄了生病貓咪的尿液跟組織sample給大學,
兩個禮拜之後,menu food開始他們的回收作業。

Although the FDA continues to blame tainted wheat gluten for recent cat and dog illnesses and deaths, a mounting number of complaints about sick and dying animals who ate only dry food that did not contain wheat gluten strongly suggests that there is another source of contamination.
雖然FDA表示動物生病死亡是因為受污染的wheat gluten,
但是有很多只吃乾飼料(不含wheat gluten)的動物也生病了。


Evidence from reputable laboratories indicates that an excessive amount of vitamin D in pet food may be to blame. Vitamin D overdoses produce symptoms similar to those seen in animals who recently got sick or died after consuming only dry foods.

PETA is demanding that the FDA refocus its investigation to include other likely causes instead of pandering to the pet food industry and focusing on an ingredient that is found in only a moderate number of foods.


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